
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Prego Journal: Week 38

How far along: 38 weeks (and 3 days). 

How big is baby:  Watermelon.  Vernix and lanugo are shedding from his body.  He continues to practice breathing as surfactant is secreted. 
Total weight gain: +19 lbs
Maternity clothes: I've had two new revelations this week: 1) Jason's clothes are very comfortable
2) I can wear scrubs out and people just assume I work in a hospital, when really I'm just too lazy to wear real clothes.  Yay scrubs!  
Sleep: Bout the same as last week.  Still having some insomnia, but taking more naps during the day.        
Best moment(s) of the week: 
1) We went to the Stars game on Friday night and thanks to Jason's work perks, it was free!  We were also able to bring my brother, his friend, my mom, and aunt along as well.  We didn't sit with them, because we ended up getting seats on the bottom level and they had seats on the second level.  To top it off, my brother and his friend got on the big screen, which was fun.  Oh and the Stars won!  
2) Jason and I had a very productive weekend.  I got all of our Babies R Us returns taken care of, we installed the car seat, and we cleaned up our front and back yards.  We ended up bagging 19 large trash bags of leaves and acorns!
3) I met with our pediatrician on Monday evening.  He was friendly and gave me lots of materials to answer a lot of common questions new moms have.  He was funny and very willing to answer all my questions.  I liked how he encouraged me not to worry about calling at any time to ask questions.
4) Went to my week 38 Dr's appointment.  Nothing to report, which is good..everything is on track.
5) We were informed that due to AHA, all insurance companies are required to cover breast pumps for nursing mothers, for free!  So there's a good chance we are going to get a quality breast pump...which frees up some of those Babies R Us gift cards for other goodies.  If you're pregnant or nursing and need a pump, check with your insurance company to see if you're eligible too.  From what I've read, a lot of service representatives aren't completely aware of the new policy so you may have to do some searching around to find the right person to talk to before you get accurate information.  
Food cravings: I wanted pizza on Friday night, had some on Superbowl Sunday, but unfortunately it wasn't really the kind of pizza I like.  Oh well, probably for the best.   
Food aversions: still the same: sweets, milk, cereal
Symptoms: Oh, a little more nerve pain in my legs.  Still have back pain.  I alternate between lots of energy and general tiredness very fast.  
Movement: Still squirming around.  Dr. B confirmed that he's still in the head down position!  I haven't felt him drop yet, but am waiting for that "he's going to fall out" feeling.     
What I’m looking forward to:   MASSAGE!  I get a prenatal massage this Saturday with my mom!     
What I miss: Like a mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I've been thinking of what I'm going to miss after he's born.  I mean other than being able to relax a lot.  I'm cherishing each little kick and roll, I will miss those so much!  Read this article (warning, if you're a mom or have a little one in the oven, you might cry).  It is pretty accurate about how I feel about each kick these days.  I never know when it will be the last one before he's here!  
Next appt: February 13th
Workout/Fitness: Still keeping up with going to the gym and going on walks on my days off.  Not to mention the yard work this weekend.

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