
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vrlyfry-day and the Final In Utero Panini Update

Day 288: 10/15
It was one of those nights where daddy had class and mommy was worn out from being pregnant all day.  So Zilla and I decided to have a date night at Shady's burgers. 

And of course we couldn't leave without ice cream from Sweet Firefly!  

 Day 289: 10/16
Hubskie and Wifeskie's turn to have a day date!  We went to the fair as a final hurrah before the new one gets here!  I felt bad not taking Zilla, but it was nice to just spend time with hubskie.

 Day 290: 10/17
Saturdays are for parks.  This is Zilla's new favorite way to swing.

Day 291: 10/18
Zilla's getting ready for Panini's arrival!  Also, look at that awesome sign in the background.  My college bestie made it for Panini :) 

 Day 292: 10/19
This week was the ABC Kids Expo.  AKA my favorite time of year.  It's when all the baby industry manufacturers get together and show off their newest products.  This was a couple of my favorites.  Finally, someone has made adorable moccasins for usually only see girly ones.  Jogging stroller, meet biking stroller.

Day 293: 10/20
The kiddos were pretending that they were flying.  I positively LOVE Roodle's face here.  So much joy!

 Say 294: 10/21
After getting dressed for swim, Zilla gave me the biggest, sweetest hug and I couldn't resist taking a picture.  I love this kid so much!

 Day 294: 10/22
AHHHHHHhhhh!  My best friends (bridesmaids) got together and gifted me a Lily Jade diaper bag!!  I have been obsessing over these since the last ABC Kids Expo.  They are just so pretty and functions and can be worn as a backpack!  This is a must when chasing a toddler with a newborn.

It rained that afternoon.  I was worried about that evening since daddy had class and mommy wasn't looking to fight Zilla about not being able to play in the rain. So I made the executive decision to just go out an play in the rain. He had a blast!

That night dada got home a little early and put Zilla to bed.  He accidentally fell asleep too, and it was too sweet not to capture. 

Day 295: 10/23 y'all know what this is?  It's the last picture of us as a family of 3 (well three outside the womb)...Vrlyfry Day pics to continue after I upload the birth story and all that jazz.

 Panini Update
So this is going to be funny to write since Panini has made his arrival, but here's a little update between our last visit and his birth.  

So last we spoke my blood pressure was a little high and I was having to pee in a jug.  As luck would have it, I did indeed end up filling up the jug before my test was over and had to re-do the whole thing.  This time they gave me two jugs.  I know you are excited to learn this.  In the end, my protein levels were just fine!  And my blood pressure stayed the same or a little lower, so I was in the clear.

I was becoming increasingly antsy about delivering this baby.  Mostly because I was having a very difficult time staying checked in at work and I didn't want my consumer's to suffer because of it.  Thursday I was finally going to be checked for progress at Dr. B's.  I was just certain that I was at least 4 cm dilated.  On Wednesday I had constant braxton hicks, which must mean all those dates I was eating and uterus water I was drinking was doing something.  

The moment of truth...drum roll please...1 cm dilated and a posterior cervix.  WHAT?!  Dr. B asked if I could remember if I was progressed at this point with Zilla.  As a matter of fact, Dr. B, I documented every second of my last pregnancy and I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced.  He was pretty surprised to hear this and said something along the lines of this being opposite of what he would expect between a first and second pregnancy.  I think he could see the disappointment on my face and was quick to reassure me that things could still happen at any moment and maybe he would be seeing me before my next scheduled appointment.  He also told me to not let my lack of progression full me, as he still expected my actual labor to go quickly considering how fast Zilla came.  He reminded me to not wait too long before getting to the hospital once I felt real contractions. 

That's about it.  coming very soon, the birth story!!!!  

The Vrlyfries

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like the perfect date night...burger and ice cream!!
    Such a purty diaper bag!! I love it.
    I think your executive decision was perfect. I bet Aidan had a blast. :-)
