Day 33: 2/2
Day 34: 2/3
Day 35: 2/4

Day 37: 2/6
Day 38: 2/7
On Saturday morning I did 5K number 2 since having Zilla. I used to do a lot of races and longer distance races before the little one, but have a hard time finding time to train these days (it would help if I was more of a morning person). I did 2 "training" runs for this 5K and finished with the stats above. I have to say I was really proud...I was by no means the fastest girl out there, but it's comforting to know I can still get a sub nine minute/mile 5K without really training. One day I'll really get back into my groove.
Pic 2 for Day 38
Day 39: 2/8
My heart just smiles every time Zilla asks his aunt Berly to hold him. I mean, it is just so sweet, and he loves her so much.
Zilla has been joining me at GND more, now that Hubskie has school on Monday's. It worked out great this week, because he got to play with one of his favorite friends.
Day 34: 2/3
SATRS GAME! And even more exciting, I got to see my sweet friend. We need to see each other more often.
Day 35: 2/4

The weather started to get a little better this week so we got to venture out on some walks. LOOK AT THIS SMILE!
Day 36: 2/5
Zilla really really wanted to be held a lot tonight. So I pulled out an old pouch sling I never really used because it was way too big. But now that he's a toddler it works in a pinch. I just love wearing him :) (please excuse the nasty mirror)
Day 37: 2/6
Another nice day for a walk...So nice Zilla decided to try and take off his pants in the middle of the sidewalk. So yeah, we're at that stage.
Day 38: 2/7
On Saturday morning I did 5K number 2 since having Zilla. I used to do a lot of races and longer distance races before the little one, but have a hard time finding time to train these days (it would help if I was more of a morning person). I did 2 "training" runs for this 5K and finished with the stats above. I have to say I was really proud...I was by no means the fastest girl out there, but it's comforting to know I can still get a sub nine minute/mile 5K without really training. One day I'll really get back into my groove.
Pic 2 for Day 38
My friends are getting married in May and we gave them a Game Night themed shower. I love decorating for these and coming up with fun themes! In another life I'm a party planner/Etsy invitation vendor/Doula/Lactation Consultant.
Day 39: 2/8
My heart just smiles every time Zilla asks his aunt Berly to hold him. I mean, it is just so sweet, and he loves her so much.
I love that you pulled out the sling! While I'm not a huge fan of me in that picture, I had so much fun going to Mass with yall! :-)