In 98 Days I will officially be Mrs. Jason Fry! We are into the double digits people, it's getting serious. I know I have been sorely lacking in the blog updates since the Fall semester started. And well, it's because the Fall semester started. All good things to report though.
I've begun working as a TA this semester. It's a lot of fun and I know I learn a lot just by being around my co-workers everyday. Not to mention, it's 100% more convenient than driving to Dallas every morning to work at Green Oaks.
This semester is shaping up to be a challenging one, but I'm doing much better with balancing my schedule this year. I'm taking 9 hours: Assessment, Biofeedback, and Theories. All my professors are great, as they always are! Biofeedback is my third elective to take in the Graduate program...we're technically only allotted one. UNT offers too many awesome courses to just choose one so now I'm on the 60 hours graduate plan instead of 48 hours. This puts me on track to graduate in December of 2012! Judging by how fast the past 6 months have gone by, it will be here in no time!
Oh and then there's that little wedding thing lingering in my mind :) I'm so excited for everything to start coming together. Getting a head start was definitely a good plan, but reconnecting with all my vendors has been a little more difficult than I had anticipated. No major problems as of yet, but there's still so much to do and think about. My schedule is ridiculous! This is the first semester in 5 years I'm actually using a planner to keep everything in order. It seems everyday I'm adding a new event to my calendar. Of course they are all fun and exciting things. For example, this past Thursday I went for my first dress fitting! I received a call last weekend telling me my dress was in but we were moving Jason into his (soon to be our) new apartment. I was squirmy and giddy all week waiting for Thursday to get here. My dress is even more beautiful than I remember it; probably because we didn't need giant clips on it this time to make it fit me. There are a couple of places that need to be taken in still, but Mii said it should only take two weeks! Yay! Here's a picture from the fitting:

Of course I'm not going to put a picture of me in my dress on here. But I am wearing it in this picture oooo exciting!
64 days until the Half Marathon! Half marathon training is also going pretty well. I did about 7 miles last week and hope to do at least 8 miles tomorrow. Jared is doing a great job keeping me on track. I'm so grateful to have somebody there to tell me I need to run and remind me I have already signed up to do this, so I may as well do a good job. This has also been great for keeping me balanced and not become too overcome with school and work. I'm also keeping up with doing Insanity DVDs. Granted, I am not going in the suggested pattern, but it's something which is far better than nothing. I will say I feel sorry for whoever lives underneath Jason at his apartment, because Insanity involves a lot of jumping.
On that note, Jason has a new apartment! It is much better than where he was living before. The grounds are beautiful and the apartment itself is bigger and lovelier. I can't wait until I can call it my home as well! Here are a couple of pictures:
The Booter Bot's new home: A Dog Divided |
The breakfast nook. One day there will be a table here so we can host dinner parties! |
Lots of cabinets and counter space kitchen! |
I don't know why this one is sideways. But here's the bedroom. It is in serious need of decoration. We plan on hanging our degrees on the wall behind the bed on our respective sides. |
Bedroom |
The big bathroom! |
1 side of the closet |
Side 2 of the closet. Yes, even though I'm not living here yet, I have already claimed the big side of the closet :) |
You have no idea how excited I am to have a washer and dryer! |
View from the entrance. |
View of the living room from the bathroom
View of living room from breakfast nook. This is also in need of some decoration. Please see our Sears Registry to aid in this endeavor! |
Our first family photo! Soon to appear in the St. Ann Parish Directory |
Our coffee table books: On Right - the scrapbook I made Jason on our first anniversary. Middle - Our wedding planning book. On left - meh. A book about that team ;) |
More picture books/frames from anniversaries 3 and 4, the two Bibles Jason received when he was Baptized as well as his Baptism candle, and the awesome random gift I received from Jason's old upstairs neighbor because I "look like I'd be into religious stuff." Bingo neighbor guy, I sure am! |
Now a quick tour of the grounds! View from the balcony |
Pool 1: This is the closest pool to Jason's apartment and it's a lap pool! I've already used it a couple of times. I would have gotten a better picture but there were people and I didn't want to be the creeper taking pictures of them. |
Picnic area 1. How quaint! |
Dog Park 1...excuse me, "Bark Park" |
Boots getting to know the new place :) |
Pool 2 near the front entrance |
Another angle of Pool 2 |
Pool 3 |
Some mini fountains along the walkway |
Bark Park 2 |
I imagine this was built to hold outside Bible Studies, because it's just so lovely |
The 1 mile walking/jogging trail that goes around the apartments. |
Random fountain |
View from the stairs
Missing in photos: There are also 2 fitness centers, game rooms, and 1 mini indoor basketball court.
Me thinks I'll like living here :o) 98 days!! |